BOOK CLUB: Meets once a month on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m.
BYLAWS (AD HOC): Responsible for periodic review to ensure the Bylaws are updated and in compliance with National and State mandated changes. The committee recommends changes to Board. Meets as needed.
COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY RELATIONS/PARTNERSHIP: Communicates with local colleges and universities, recruits and retains AAUW college/university partner members, and helps to increase AAUW’s visibility on local campuses. Meets 2-3 times per year.
COLLEGE WOMEN’S CLUB FOUNDATION: Responsible for funding the annual college scholarships Meets 1-2 times per year.
DONOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Donor Advisory Committee recommends to the Greater Milwaukee Foundation the organizations to receive the donations available from our two Funds. Half of the available donations from Fund #1 go to a scholarship at UWM. The remainder of the donations from that fund and from Fund #2 is distributed as determined by the committee. Meets as needed.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Oversees all the monetary resources for the branch. Meets 2-3 times per year.
GIRLS’ CLUB FUND BOARD: Provides various kinds of support focusing on the non-traditional student. Meets as needed.
HERITAGE PROJECT: Responsible for the ongoing process of organizing and archiving all AAUW-Milwaukee branch historical documents.
MEMBERSHIP: Responsible for increasing and retaining membership through a variety of activities. It holds a strong belief that recruitment is ongoing and everyone’s responsibility. Meets as needed.
NOMINATING: Responsible for the upcoming slate of officers, ballots, and counts. Meets in January to seek valid and qualified candidates for elected offices. Other duties as assigned by the current President.
PROGRAMS: Responsible for seeking recommendations, selecting speakers, and scheduling/ and/or chairing monthly programs for the upcoming year, including AV set-up. Meets as needed.
PUBLIC POLICY: Responsible for increasing awareness regarding women’s rights and legislation as it applies to AAUW issues. May organize appropriate activities around public policy issues. Meets as needed.
SCHOLARSHIP: Evaluates, recommends, and selects recipients for our annual college scholarship awards. Coordinates the annual scholarship brunch. Meets 1-2 per year as needed.