Saturday, September 14, 2019
Italian Community Center 631 E Chicago St. Milwaukee, WI 53202
Meet and Greet 11am – Social 11:30 Luncheon
At this event we will be honoring members who have hit milestones in their membership; 5, 10, 15 etc. years of membership. We will highlight some of our brightest moments of last year and look to the future with hopeful anticipation! There will be a lot of fun interactive opportunities and chances to win prizes! PLEASE – invite a friend or 2 to attend this meeting to learn about AAUW. At this meeting new members have the opportunity to join at a discounted price and receive some cool stuff’ from our branch!!
The Shape the Future membership campaign helps us recruit and retain members. New members pay just 50 percent of the national dues rate when they join AAUW at this event. For every two new members who join, we/the branch earns one free national membership. A maximum of three free memberships may be earned per year and can be given to anyone who qualifies for AAUW membership. There will be a table with membership brochures and branch information set up at the event. For every guest you bring you will receive a raffle ticket and each guest will receive 2 raffle tickets. You will be asked to complete a guest referral sheet and we will invite our guests to join on the spot to receive 50 percent off their national dues. Remember— AAUW national dues are tax deductible!
AAUW membership is open to anyone with an associate (or equivalent) degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution. A “new member” is someone entirely new to AAUW or an individual who rejoins after two or more years. A national member who joins a branch is not a new member. “New members” are the only members eligible for membership discounts through this campaign. I am looking for folks to join the membership committee… We will have lots of fun planning, recruiting and working to retain our members by offering fun engaging ways to be involved with our branch.
Submitted by Lyn Hildenbrand